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Grl Pwr: The Force Behind Someone Somewhere

by Antonio Nuño on March 15, 2022

Grl Pwr: The Force Behind Someone Somewhere

Every month we honor the women who make this dream called Someone Somewhere possible. This 2022 we want to focus on passing on success stories from our internal team. In addition, of course, to contributing their advice, anecdotes, and words of encouragement to the gender equality and diversity we seek to promote in our team and our community. So stay to the end to discover incredible stories of powerful women.

Someone Somewhere committed to equality.


For a decade, we have managed to balance the percentage of men and women on our team. Today, 54% of Someone Somewhere's team are women; at the same time, 57% of leadership positions are run by women. This search for equity is reflected within Someone Somewhere and, in the artisan communities we collaborate with, side by side. Of the more than 280 artisans' stories, 75% are women: mothers, students, and daughters who have just learned about the world of crafts. With this, we seek to align ourselves mainly with two of the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN: #5 Gender equality; #10 Reduction of inequalities.

What our "Someones" say 

79% of the team believes that we successfully promote diversity, while 95% believe that we foster a workspace of free expression. Likewise, 91% of our team believes that cultural diversity is encouraged and respected. And the surprises don't end there. We invite you to learn more about our 2021 Impact Report.

Now, what better way to commemorate Women's Month than by paying tribute to the women of SS. And we were hoping you could connect with them too, so here is a couple of what they shared with us.

Yazmin Arroyo - Production Manager

My development in the textile industry has been challenging. I've suffered from a lot of sexism regarding the positions I have achieved throughout my professional development. But, on the other hand, my personality has helped me. For Mexico, my character is very rough. Although, if I lived in a country with female emancipation, I would be funny, this feeling of not being in balance because of the culture in which I live sometimes confuses me. 

Susana Basurto - Head of Brand and Innovation

Since I was a little girl, I have been taught gratitude. Without a doubt, living every day being grateful for who I am and what surrounds me has been key to achieving my results and living in peace. I am proud to balance my personal and professional life, so I can always give my best in both ecosystems. 

If you want to see all the answers team follow this link.